30 Questions You Don't Ask...
Because You Don't Want To Know

1. What was that fourth plane going to crash into?

2. What is living under that big boulder?

3. How much cholesterol is in this burger-and-fries lunch I'm about to eat?

4. How many calories does this slice of triple chocolate mousse cake contain?

5. What are the exact ingredients of this sausage I'm about to take a bite of?

6. Did someone spit in the Chinese wonton salad at Souplantation?

7. How many brain cells did my college drinking days cost me?

8. Which professional wrestlers are gay?

9. What are my employees smoking on the weekend?

10. How many paper clips did they steal -- er, borrow?

11. By how many votes did I lose the Academy Award?

12. What do my stepchildren really think of me?

13. What did the guy/gal I didn?t get a second date from really think of me?

14. What is my wife thinking about me as she gives birth to our child?

15. Have my parents ever felt like bashing my skull in?

16. Do I spend too much time online?

17. What is my total credit card debt?

18. Is Oprah (the woman, the show, and/or the magazine) really that insightful?

19. Is this book that Oprah has recommended really that good?

20. What is the average IQ of America?

21. How many people in this country agree with Rush Limbaugh?

22. How many people think that liberal = evil?

23. Am I hip?

24. Am I fat?

25. Am I missing out on great sex?

26. (To your Significant Other) Do you have sexual fantasies about celebrities?

27. (To your Significant Other) How many people have you slept with before me?

28. (To your children and/or your parents) How old were you when you lost your virginity?

29. Has my man ever gotten a boner for Anna Kournikova?

30. Do hockey players really prefer blondes?