The jenniemouse links

Here are some of my favorite places to visit when I'm online. I suggest that you visit them, too.

Living Beyond Reality

I am totally on board with what the webmaster, Diane Lau, says about the existence of a world "beyond reality".

According to Diane, "BR is what I call all that stuff everyone's always taught you was 'only pretend'. Except I'm telling you it's not so 'pretend' after all. Ever have an imaginary friend who served you rather better than the 'real' people you hung around with? Ever have a dream of a place so wonderful you were depressed when you woke up and discovered yourself back in 'reality'? Ever have strong feelings for a celebrity or fictitious character you've never met, and therefore had no right to elicit 'real emotions' from you? Well, those people and places weren't, in fact, unreal at all--they were simply Beyond Reality. Why would anyone want to go there? Because it's fun."

Go to the site. Buy Diane's book. And don't forget to sample the Hockey Snacks!

The Straight Dope

When I picked up the Los Angeles Reader every Thursday evening (or Friday), I always looked forward to the very last page, where I would find Cecil Adams' "The Straight Dope" column. You write and ask Cecil anything about anything, and he will do his best to give straight dope. Unfortunately, the Reader no longer has a Los Angeles edition, so the only way I can read current columns is on this site. (P.S. Go and buy Cecil's books, too!)

Urban Legends

Truth or Fiction

No one wants to know THE TRUTH more than I do. If you want to know whether or not that e-mail about the computer virus du jour is a legitimate warning or a big, smelly load, go to either of these sites. THE TRUTH. It's OUT THERE.

The Romance Reader

All About Books

Of course, no one can live by truth alone, and I also like to curl up with a good romance novel. I said a GOOD romance novel. These are the sites where I go when I want to find out what's worth reading in the romance genre. (I also read Romantic Times magazine, but only in print and not online.)

Cafe Utne

This is the message board of Utne Reader, one of the magazines I look forward to every other month (i.e., February, April, June, August, October, December). These people talk about the world. (Would it be impolitic to suggest that you pick up a copy of Utne Reader at your nearest newsstand?)

Fan Fiction

I explore fan fiction online, and this is one of the most comprehensive sites. Even if it does have a zillion Harry Potter stories.