I like pizza more than I should. I eat pizza less than I could.

My favorite pizza parlors are, in this order:

1. Round Table

2. Pizza Hut

3. Shakey's

4. Domino's

5. Lamppost (the one in Culver City; maybe it's on here because it had hockey posters on the walls!)

6. That pizza they sell at Costco

I may have tried a Little Caesar's pizza during an office party; I don't remember much about it (which is why it's not on the list). I was not impressed with Papa John's.

My first pizza memory was going to a place called Tower Pizza in Burlington, VT back in 1971 or 1972. That was the best pizza I ever had. Of course, I don't know if it still exists. And even if it did, the recipe may have changed. If not, my tastebuds might have.

Going to a non-name brand pizza parlor is a crapshoot. Say what you will about the chains, but you know what you're going to get. Elsewhere...???

I went to a pizza parlor on Warner Avenue in Huntington Beach, and my male companion and I waited a looooong time for a pizza that was soggy, undercooked, and barely edible. The one good part about the place was the large and conspicuous televisions which might have been used to show hockey (but this day, the Lakers were winning the first of their 21st century championships)

To be fair, you may also find a winner in an unknown pizza place. I found one in Barstow which served pies of quality. I suggest that you look at what they serve before you buy.

My favorite pizza toppings are cheese, pepperoni, and mushroom. Period. Don't put the "nastifying" ingredients on top (like garlic, onion, peppers, sausage, jalapenos, and anything else I don't like). I will eat three or four slices at a sitting. I will go for the thin slices first.